Thursday, September 11, 2008


Okay, I'm getting way too excited about this game.

Anyway, I finally picked up Spore this morning. So far I've played the first stage of the game and the very beginning of the second stage.

So far, I wasn't too impressed with the first stage (the Cell stage). It's really simple, but for some reason I couldn't control my creature very well. Also, it was done in like 20 minutes, so it felt like a bit of a throw-away. It really doesn't suit my playing style well, because I like games where you get to wander around aimlessly and do things in my own time, while it threw me forward as soon as I ate enough creatures to get to the next stage of the game.

Then I got to the creature stage and absolutely fell in love. You get to control pretty much every aspect of how your creature looks, so it picks up a great personality. I have a feeling, though, that I'm gonna get rushed through too quickly again unfortunately. However, it's at least going to be better than the unicellular stage. There's also a social aspect of this stage, which will be fun.

One thing that kind of disappoints me is that it's not as similar to the Sim games as I thought it would be. The great thing about the Sim games is that you can just aimlessly do whatever you want, without any real defined goals (or at least that's how I usually played.) I think that the later stages will be more like that, but now I feel like I'm going on way too much of a defined path.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked Creature stage. Tribal was ok once I figured out how to control the camera. Civ stage - not so impressive.

I'm in space stage, and really not impressed - not enough ability to just wander around and explore; there's a lot of time pressure because of the competing civilizations. When I play Civ, I always make a huge map and very few civilizations so I can just do my own thing; I haven't found any way to control that in Spore.

Very pretty, though.