NOTE: I'm certainly never going to do anything as skimpy as these sketches suggest.
First of all, understand that these are my ideas for getting as naked as possible. Chances are that I'll panic halfway through and add like 3 times as many clothes.
First idea: barbarian warrior. If I can find fake fur, I want to make a kilt-like skirt and doctor some boots so that they're also furry. If the boots don't work, I'll probably convert a pair of flip-flops into greek-style sandals like I did last year. For accessories, I'm planning on getting a vicious-looking axe and possibly drawing some generic tribal tattoos all over myself.

Now here's my robot idea: start with silver shiny pants. For boystown, this may end up being a pair of short shorts or something equally scandalous. Since I also have to come up with a PG costume for the orchestra concert, I may do pants, or take a pair of jeans and cover them with saran wrap to make them shiny. Then I'll add silver body paint or lots of glitter and use a bandaid to cover my belly button and draw a power button symbol on it. Add some cheesy antennae and I'm a robot

If I want to go the confusing pun route, my idea is do do 'A clockwork Orange.' I'd wear all orange or do orange body paint (or vast amounts of self-tanner) and tape a big wind-up key to my back.
Another idea that I had is to dress up as Link, from Zelda. However, I feel like that's maybe too cliche and overdone? It would be pretty easy, though, and it would give me an excuse to wear a tunic. I could even make it sleeveless and short, in keeping with my plan to show as much skin as possible
Of course, the problem with many of these costumes is: where do I put my wallet?
I think you may go to different Halloween parties than I do - generally, the people who designed costumes around being as naked as possible got laughed at.
Now the people who costumed as attractively as possible - that's a different story. But it generally wasn't related to amount of skin nearly so much as how artistically what was displayed... was.
Also remember (from someone who hosted Halloween parties for several hundred people each year through the grad group, and a group that was known for the copious beverages provided) - nothing that will fall off your costume, no matter how clever it seems. The year someone came as a snack tray and we were wiping peanut butter off of every available surface? Not a good year. And the people whose costumes he slimed - not happy either. So if you do any body paint - make sure it doesn't wipe off easily. Another reason skin-tight fabric is better than paint when going for that slut look.
And also also remember - it gets REALLY COLD by the end of October many years.
(the only other advice doesn't seem relevant for your case - make sure your costume fits through doors. And that you can sit down in it if there is any seating available. The year a group of people came as Alice in Wonderland, the poor caterpillar with her mushroom got really bored because she couldn't fit into the room with the dance floor.)
haha yeah, last year I had a giant pair of wings and it was incredibly difficult to maneuver my way around
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