Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well, I clearly haven't been writing much in here lately.  For the past couple of weeks I've been way too busy, and now that I have time to breathe I realize that I have nothing to write about, as my mind has been far too preoccupied with Halloween costumes, orchestra concerts, and GRE preparations.

So, I guess it's time to start stressing out about the next round of challenges.  First off, I need to take the general GRE as soon as possible.   Like, I need to register pretty much tonight.  Then, I need to figure out what school I want to go to, what program, and get my rec letters together and apply before the deadlines, which will mostly probably be in December and January.  That's surprisingly little time.  But if I don't get all this done by then, I'm gonna be stuck here for another year.  And I won't have an apartment to live in.

...And I just registered for the GRE general test.  It's next Saturday, so I've got to get going on any sort of preparation that I'm gonna do.  I got the little Kaplan study guide, so maybe I'll try to do all the crap that they suggest.  I'll probably just end up using it for sample questions, though.

Okay, gotta go clean.  My room is a giant pile of dirty clothes and trash right now.


Cristina said...

Yeah, you've got a busy life these days. Also, for me at least, with Twitter, I'm less inclined to write an actual blog entry. Made any more clothes these days? :)

Eric said...

haha, no. I want to, though. My next project is to make a decent button-up shirt. I figure that's a good way to start working on how to fit things. Maybe I'll make it to the fabric store this weekend...