Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

Well, it's a new year, huh? Hopefully the start of it isn't really indicative of how the rest will proceed, seeing as I spent New Year's Eve incredibly sick and somewhat incoherent. On the upside, I kind of feel like my life is going SOMEWHERE, so that's a plus.

Anyhoo, I've never really gone in for the whole resolutions thing. If I don't have the willpower to start something during the rest of the year, chances are that I'm not gonna get around to doing it now, either. However, I do want to change some things.

First, I need to seriously get on the Ritalin. After the fiasco that is my attempts at applying to graduate programs, I realize now that I really need to do something about my ADD problem. So, as soon as I get around to it, I'll call my doctor and figure out what I need to do to get a new prescription. I'm afraid that I'll probably need to get re-diagnosed, since I haven't actually taken ritalin since I was in high school.

Secondly, I want to seriously get into running. I'm not talking about the usual couple of miles 2 times a week, I want to start a hardcore training program. My goal is to start doing 8-10 mile runs by this summer. Why, you ask? Because I can.

Lastly, I WILL finish applying to grad schools.  I will put real effort into it, and I will care about the results.  Actually, I can't guarantee anything about the last one.  Part of my problem is that I'm awfully apathetic about these things.  Yeah, I am getting kind of sick of working as a tech, but at the same time, my life isn't that bad now.  I'm now making enough money to support myself, and sometimes I even get to buy video games, even though I rarely have enough time to play them.  Anyway, I'll do what I need to, and if I don't get in anywhere that I want I'm not going to cry or anything, but it would be nice if it worked out.

Next, I may do a year in review or something for 2008.

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