Just a disclaimer: I'm kind of sick while I write this, so if it's completely nonsensical I blame the fact that my head is swimming.
The thing is that Obama ran on a platform of change. Now, I can see that change is slow and it's hard to actually enact things in Washington. However, I think that the really telling thing is that two of the greatest movements of this year, the push for gay rights and for the legalization of marijuana, have been completely ground up and given the cold shoulder by the administration. Change, really?
One thing about Obama is that he inspires strong emotions. I think that it's just a quality that he has. Unfortunately, this is not the first time he's inspired actual rage and disappointment in me. His silence on the issue tells me that he cares much more about his political capital with social conservatives than equal rights. And why not? As long as he plays the middle ground, he doesn't lose anything, although there is going to be a slow erosion as his aversion to meeting the issue head-on becomes more apparent. Just like the invitation to Rick Warren to speak, he's sending a message that his standing among bigots is more important than justice.
I realize that I am rather partial on this issue, as I'd have to be. As far as I'm concerned, DOMA is a blatant violation of our constitutional rights and I'd be in favor of an immediate supreme court ruling on this issue. However, I see how strategically that would be a bad idea. Seeing as how most Americans have no idea what the judicial branch is here for. You know, ruling on laws that violate the constitution... But, you know those liberal activist judges
Now, Don't Ask, Don't Tell...this is what really has me worried. There is absolutely no excuse that this debacle hasn't been repealed yet. It's wildly unpopular and based on premises that are blatantly false. The only possible reason that it hasn't been approached yet is that Obama is afraid to open the big closet stuffed full of the gay issues that have been ignored by this country's leadership for so long. However, every state that approves same-sex marriage adds more pressure, and there is a sea change in public opinion going on right now. Eventually the issue will be unavoidable. I only hope that Obama will start to become the advocate of gay rights that he pretended to be when he was campaigning.
All right, I'll get off my soap box now. I hope the rant actually made some sense. In any case, it's time to lay down and have another cup of tea.
PS I also just started watching the third season of Battlestar Galactica. CRAZINESS!!!! For example, did they just kill who I think they just killed? And my only consolation for the fact that they made my favorite eye candy into a fatass is that they added new eye candy that's way cuter and less self-righteous.
I think that you make good points, and I do agree with you about frustration from the lack of forward momentum with these issues. Or really any kind of acknowledgement. I just don't understand how any of these issues DON'T violate the Equal Protection Clause and abuse Full Faith & Credit.
I think that Obama probably means well regarding these issues, but that doesn't mean anything unless he actually, ahem, Cowboys up and addresses them. I'm not sure what that would take.
At least public opinion is changing, and kind of rapidly. Maybe we need another centralized, organized Civil Rights Movement in order to get the Important People actually talking about it? I don't know.
One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm actually excited to be moving to a battleground state, and a 40-minute drive from the capital at that. I may actually get actively involved in politics for once. I'm certainly not going to let people vote away my rights without making some noise.
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