Saturday, March 15, 2008

Here it comes again

Do you ever get deja vu?  I do, quite frequently.  And the weirdest thing is that I usually even remember feeling "whoa, deja vu" before.  I think that it's more than the fact that the events have happened before, I even remember what I was thinking.  Maybe I'm clairvoyant.  About completely inconsequential things, of course.

I wonder if it's just a neuron misfiring, or if there's actually some memory being triggered.  I guess there's no way to really know.

In other news, I think I'm getting a tattoo tomorrow!  A DNA helix, around my bicep.  Kind of my nerdy take on the barbed wire tattoo.  I'm also probably going to get another ear piercing as well.  Good times.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

I get deja vu on stairways mostly. It's really weird. I don't know why some stairs trigger that feeling. It could be some sort of Hitchcockian association, where the presence of stairs makes me feel somehow in danger.

Also, you're getting the tattoo! Yay! I really like the idea of the DNA helix; it seems really perfect for you. What new ear piercing are you getting?