Friday, December 19, 2008


I know it has no impact on his ability to give an invocation, but seriously, Rick Warren, REALLY?

Note that towards the beginning he stopped himself from saying "Christian" marriage in reference to all valid marriages. Let's face it, he is a bigot, and apparently, has absolutely no idea what Supreme Courts are for. Good to know that minority groups should all be subjected to oppression by the majority and that the Courts should have no ability to overturn unconstitutional laws. I think that it's a travesty that a secular right should be legislated by religious views.

Also 2% of the population is gay? Really? Maybe that's the portion brave enough to speak out on a survey, but I'm pretty sure that any reliable study shows that the proportion is quite a bit larger than that.

I'm so sick of the religious right's fear-mongering. I'm also getting sick of Christianity's overreaching impact on politics, but that's a whole other rant.


Unknown said...

I was going to ask what you thought about it, but didn't want to distract you from your applications...

From what I've read, he's as scary as Dobson, just not quite as in-your-face assholey about it.

Obama himself hasn't been particularly forthcoming on gay marriage. It's certainly not on his agenda; he never did address Prop 8 seriously. So the big question to me is - Warren because he's one of the less offensive of the scary-righters and Obama wants to be inclusive, or Warren because Obama is ambivalent about a lot of social issues and is sending a message that he's not going to push an agenda?

He was elected on economic and policy issues, after all.

Eric said...

Well at least Obama's pretty serious about the Employee Non-Discrimination Act. I think that he's very cognizant of civil issues, but for something like marriage he's willing to concede to the religious nuts. He's clearly never going to support marriage rights, (until it's popular with a majority of US citizens) but I have faith that he'll quietly push for civil unions.

The thing that repeatedly bugs me (but is also why he'll make a great President) is that Obama can be very calculating. I see why he made the pick, even if Warren's views aren't in line with his own. Just like with the campaign finance thing, every once in a while Obama's going to do something that'll make me scream, but in the end, I really still hope it's going to work out.